D4. The Better Bread
Circularity/ Material Research / Design MethodologiesTutor: Xandra van der Eijk; supervised by Wendy Plomp & Julian Ellerby @ Dutch Invertuals Academy, Feb-March 2022
'What makes bread bread?'
With this project I aim to take a closer look at the industrial production of bread, detaching it from the romanticized idea of traditional bread-baking. Throughout the program, I discovered a fascination for transformative processes and working with elements that are out of my control.
Several bread tests are presented. Its form is sculptural, evoking its closeness to a decorative object. Natural bread, whole wheat. How natural is too much? Bread with germinating plants is nutritious? Time consuming cultured yeasts that create larger air pockets. Taller breads. A bread enriched with dietary supplements. What supplements can be included? Can a bread last forever? Who decides what is a better bread?
My local environment is directly related to my work: Moving away from familiarity and trying to adapt my practice to the resources available. As a result, I explore materiality through the kitchen.
I work with bread. Bread as a social component in society, as the basis for nutrition, as an object. It is a material that comes not from digging into the soil or from mixing chemicals. It is shaped by other forms of life that have lived among us for many, many years. I am interested in transformation processes, where my role is not to make but to work with other elements that are not under my control.
Visit the online exhibition ︎HERE