
This is intended as a dynamic space to archive/share self-initiated projects. Site is updated every so and so.


Browse through my favorite stopmotions. 


 Material economies
       D.1  Moss ritual2021
       D.2 Waste Care2021
       D.3 Recyclebar2021
       D.4 The Better Bread2022
       D.5 Crafts of Resistance2023
 User Research / Experience design
        D.6 Exhaust the Benches2022
        D.7 The Traffic Light as a Destination2021
        D.8 C.C.C Cuisine2022
        D.9 Building Dialogue2022
Craftsmanship / Heritage
        D.10 Nuevos Rituales2018
        D.11 Migración2019

        I.1 Inventariada2019
        I.2 Diarios Abiertos 12021
        I.3 Diarios Abiertos 22021
        I.4-D.2 Recipe book x Waste Care2021
        I.5-D.3 Storytelling x Recyclebar2021
        I.6-D.7 Essay x Traffic Lights (...)2021
        I.7-D8.I2 Booklet x C.C.C Cuisine2022
        I.8 Stories Around the Cabinet2023

SHOP - coming coon
(Ceramic) Objects
        O.1 Resistance Cup 1
        O.2 Resistance Cup 2
        O.3 Resistance Cup Maker
        O.4 Clay Smasher
        O.5 Resistance Cup Coffee table
        O.6 Resistance Cup pole
        O.7 Resistance Cabinet 1 
        O.8 Resistance Cabinet 2
        O.9 Resistance Tire Cutter
        O.10 Mix Cup 1

        P.1 The Workshop
        P.2 Is Every Object a Tool? 

        On Demand






All work produced by author unless otherwise specified.
Last update: Apr2024

D8. C.C.C.

 Design Methodology / Experience Design
Team: Walter Mingledorff, Martin Ayala, Pablo Bolumar & Thijmen PetersTutors: Toon Koehorst & Jannetje t’Veld in collaboration with the GGzE Institute @ Design Academy Eindhoven, June 2022

In De Grote Beek health center, people have access to facilities and activities that make them find their way in society. The patients are liberated from the pressure of work and the act of making is an activity of release in their everyday life. This contrasts with a society where work only supports productivity. The GGzE could be seen as an ideal scenario where people have the freedom to do what they want focusing on their well-being. 

Could we learn from their way of functioning? 

For our research process, we decided to focus on barbecues as a medium to enjoy the process of collective making and to maintain our peace of mind during the project. We wanted to focus on creating a context that enables us to explore ways of collaborative care. Every Friday we built a barbecue together. During these days, the act of making was the most important thing, and everyone was involved. At the end of the day, we used these barbecues to share a collective meal, and we documented and reflected upon this .

We compiled these reflections in a book and held a collective barbecue event during the final examination of Design Academy Eindhoven: our biggest source of mental exhaustion .

If you are interested in our findings, download the booklet ︎HERE